Give today and double your impact in the fight against antisemitism and hate in 2021...
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Throughout the year, you never wavered —
You Kept Fighting Hate on All Fronts!

Help carry the fight into the new year as well.
Give today and your gift DOUBLES!

Take Advantage of the Special Year-End Match Now

Dear John,

Thank you! Although it’s been a challenging year, one unlike any other, you helped win crucial victories in the battle against antisemitism and hate of all kinds.

It’s true. This year, despite all the uncertainty and division around us, you found a way to keep fighting the good fight! And through your support, you allowed ADL to Fight Hate On All Fronts — in our communities, in our schools and online.

You made the world a better, safer place.

Now, on the cusp of a new year, no matter what 2021 may bring, together we’ll keep up that fight. And, right now you can make twice the impact when your gift of $50, $75, $100 or more is doubled by a special year-end match of $125,000.

Double Your Gift Now

Thanks to you, John, 2020 saw ADL...

  • Fighting hate in schools all across the country, helping students stand up to bullying... empowering young people to be allies, not bystanders... and giving teachers the resources to identify and respond to acts of antisemitism and hate.
  • Fighting hate online, including our groundbreaking Stop Hate for Profit initiative. You won major victories, like identifying the perpetrators of antisemitic “Zoombombing” and forcing Facebook to finally ban Holocaust denial.
  • Fighting hate in our communities, where our Center on Extremism provided law enforcement with critical intelligence about extremism over 1,000 times, gave expert witness testimony in four high profile court cases involving hate crimes and white supremacy, and tracked over 5,000 new incidents of hate on our online H.E.A.T. map.

While I’m proud of all we’ve accomplished this year, I know there’s still so much more work to be done. And with your support, we won’t stop fighting until we’ve rooted out antisemitism and hate anywhere it exists!

Make 2X the Impact

Thank you for all you’ve done this past year! And please, take advantage of the year-end matching gift to help us keep up this essential work into 2021 and beyond.

Fighting Hate On All Fronts,
JG signature
Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

P.S. In a troubling year, you could have given up, John. But instead, you kept giving. Thank you for your dedication — as you can see, it’s paying off!

Please make your tax-deductible year-end gift right now when every gift will be DOUBLED up to $125,000 thanks to the generosity of a foundation that believes in ADL’s mission. Double your impact in the fight against antisemitism and hate.

Fight Hate On All Fronts Now