December 29, 2020
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December 29, 2020
Dinesh D'Souza's most important film yet
DINESH D'SOUZA ? Dinesh D'Souza's new documentary, Trump Card, leads the charge against the new face of Socialism! The Left is fighting harder than ever to destroy the Land of the Free. "Beating Socialism, corruption, and the Deep State": this film is a must-watch for every freedom-loving American. See trailer.... (more)

December 29, 2020
RENEWAMERICA STAFF ? RenewAmerica has partnered with multi-national pro-life organization Real Estate for Life to help sustain the work of RenewAmerica. Real Estate for Life is a faith-based real estate network that funds "gospel of life groups worldwide."... (more)

December 29, 2020
EPOCH TIMES ? Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.), who is vying for re-election in the Jan. 5 Senate runoff race, suggested that she might join the effort to challenge key states' Electoral College votes when they are read during the Jan. 6 Joint Session of Congress.... (more)

December 27, 2020
AMERICAN GREATNESS ? A group of Republican Pennsylvania state lawmakers announced Monday that the certified results of the 2020 election for president in the Keystone State were off by more than 200,000 votes--more than twice the margin of Biden's alleged victory.... (more)

December 27, 2020
FBI and DOJ prosecutors should 'start talking to people'
EPOCH TIMES ? One of President Donald Trump's attorneys on Monday said the Department of Justice (DOJ) should have done more in investigating election fraud during the Nov. 3 contest. Jesse Binnall, a Trump attorney who filed lawsuits on behalf of the campaign in Nevada, told Just The News that the DOJ dragged its heels and didn't look into evidence that was brought forward.... (more)

December 27, 2020
NEWSMAX ? The divide in America is not left versus right, but insiders against the outsider, President Donald Trump, according to former Republican strategist Roger Stone. "Things in Washington – things in the country – cannot be viewed through the prism of Republican versus Democrat," Stone told Sunday's "The Cats Roundtable" on WABC 770 AM-N.Y. "That's not the divide in America.... (more)

December 27, 2020
'It's gonna be very shocking to the country,' the president's attorney claimed on his podcast on Christmas Day: MUST WATCH
JUST THE NEWS ? "Starting after Christmas," the challenge to the validity of the Nov. 3 presidential election results "is really going to blow up," Rudy Giuliani told listeners in a portentous Christmas Day episode of his podcast Common Sense.... (more)

December 27, 2020
'This period of time becomes just another ugly chapter in our country's history'
JOE KOVACS ? More than seven weeks after Election Day on Nov. 3, President Trump remains defiant against forces he says are stealing away his re-election, proclaiming that "When it is all over...WE WILL WIN!' In a Saturday night tweet storm, Trump began by issuing a call to senators in his own party to step up to the plate and go to war for him.... (more)

December 27, 2020
You would think elections officials would want an investigation because it would exonerate them. But they don?t. What are they hiding?
AMERICAN GREATNESS ? I have admired Andrew McCarthy since I was a diplomat in the Middle East, and he filed the indictment against Sheikh Omar for the 1994 bombing of the World Trade Center. He has been right, and courageous, about many things in the years since then. But he is wrong about the massive election fraud in November, and especially about the Allied Security Operations Group report signed by Russ Ramsland that focuses on the role of the Dominion Voting Systems machines in Antrim County, Michigan.... (more)

December 27, 2020
AMERICAN GREATNESS ? Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) took to the floor of the United States Senate last week to officially recognize Joe Biden as president-elect. McConnell was sending a message to his Republican colleagues: stand down, it is time to move on.... (more)

December 27, 2020
OAN ? As details continue to come to light about Hunter Biden's suspicious dealings with China, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) has also been coming under fire for conflicts of interest with the communist country. One America's Richard Pollock spoke with Peter Schweizer and has more from Washington.... (more)

December 25, 2020
Secular tweet celebrates science and urges families to keep Christmas gatherings small from fear of Covid
STEPHEN STONE ? In a two-minute tweet, Joe and Jill Biden gave a Christmas-day message that called for acts of charity without acknowledging the biblical principles that enable them – namely, that true charity comes freely from the kindness of those who love God, not from coercion or intimidation from those in power (methods that are inevitably doomed to fail, since they ignore human nature).... (more)

December 24, 2020
OAN ? President Trump recently shared a video on his Twitter account, which sheds light on mass voter fraud. On Sunday, he retweeted the video titled "The Plot to Steal America." The video's creator, Seth Holehouse, said he works to expose the "communist agenda that threatens our freedom and to bring hope to patriots."... (more)

December 24, 2020
BITCHUTE ? Tuesday night, President Trump addressed the nation from the White House and said, "My fellow Americans, today I want to explain to you why I am so determined to pursue every legal and constitutional option available to stop the theft of the presidential election." He then laid out compelling evidence that the 2020 election was "the most corrupt election in the history of our country" and concluded, "We cannot allow [such] a completely fraudulent election to stand" if Americans are to have faith in future elections.... (more)

December 24, 2020
'Any reported results must be viewed as untrustworthy'
BOB UNRUH ? A committee of Georgia state lawmakers is recommending the decertification of the 2020 presidential election results in the state, which went to Joe Biden. The recommendation comes from the election law study subcommittee of the Standing Senate Judiciary Committee, which issued a report concluding the election "was chaotic and any reported results must be viewed as untrustworthy."... (more)

December 23, 2020
NEWSMAX ? Rep.-elect Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., who orchestrated a meeting with President Donald Trump to "get the ball rolling" on a Jan. 6 challenge to the results of the 2020 presidential election, says the effort has support from several GOP senators. "We have a very strong case, and our numbers are growing strong," she said Tuesday during an appearance on Newsmax TV's Spicer & Co. "We talked to senators and we're good to go for this objection."... (more)

December 23, 2020
Said 'Section 230' needs to be changed so Big Tech can't censor political speech with impunity
EPOCH TIMES ? President Donald Trump has vetoed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) because it fails to remove Section 230 – the liability shield that protects social media companies, among other reasons. "Unfortunately, the Act fails to include critical national security measures, includes provisions that fail to respect our veterans and our military's history, and contradicts efforts by my Administration to put America first in our national security and foreign policy actions," he said in a Dec. 23 statement. "It is a 'gift' to China and Russia."... (more)

December 23, 2020
GOP members of the House and Senate can object to defective elector slates and force examination of facts ignored by the courts
NEWSMAX TV ? On "Greg Kelly Reports" Dec. 22, guest host Sebastian Gorka, a former strategist for President Trump, laid out the process by which Republican members of the House and Senate can replace unlawful or fraudulent slates of electors with legitimate ones in swing states that deliberately or negligently stole the election.... (more)

December 23, 2020
'Must stand up for tens of millions of Americans who want answers to the irregularities'
ART MOORE ? Joining about a dozen Republican colleagues who pledge to challenge Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, a Texas congressman has formally asked his state's two U.S. senators to join him. Republican Rep. Lance Gooden said in a letter Tuesday to Republican Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn: "I intend to object to the certification of the Electoral College vote submissions on January 6th, and I respectfully ask you to stand with me," the Epoch Times reported.... (more)

December 23, 2020
EPOCH TIMES ? In Georgia, the Senate released an election report which found evidence of "coordinated illegal activity." In Arizona, election officials are refusing to comply with a subpoena to audit the voting machines and as well as the ballots. In Pennsylvania, the Trump legal team is pushing a new case to be heard by the Supreme Court.... (more)

December 22, 2020
Passage would require two-thirds of the Senate
EPOCH TIMES ? U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) who is on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, urged the Trump administration Tuesday to submit both the Iran Nuclear Deal and Paris Climate Agreement to the Senate as formal treaties in the hopes that a vote would stop them from being restored.... (more)

December 22, 2020
Case involves videos from 2015 exposing Planned Parenthood?s illegal trade in aborted baby body parts
LIFE NEWS ? Despite the fact that Liberty Counsel has appealed to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals regarding the verdict in the civil lawsuit against Sandra Merritt for her undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood's trafficking of human baby body parts, U.S. District Court Judge William Orrick III issued an order today granting the abortion giant over $13 million in "attorney fees and costs," in addition to more than $2 million in damages awarded by the jury.... (more)

December 22, 2020
CLIFF KINCAID ? As Bill Barr is walking out the door of the Department of Justice to open presents on Christmas day, Kimberley A. Strassel of the Wall Street Journal tells us that he is an honest and upstanding Attorney General who believes there was no CIA role in the effort to bring down President Trump. Barr, a former CIA analyst, had come to the conclusion that he didn't "see any sign of improper CIA activity" and that "The CIA stayed in its lane."... (more)

December 22, 2020
NEWSMAX ? President Donald Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani tells Newsmax TV his team can prove their allegations of voter fraud, but the governors of the contested states won't allow access to their voting machines. Appearing Monday on "Spicer & Co.," Giuliani, career prosecutor and onetime mayor of New York City, told host Sean Spicer that the Trump team needs to prove only 10,000 contested votes in Arizona.... (more)

December 22, 2020
NEWSMAX ? Exposing the "chessboard" of the stolen election, White House trade adviser Peter Navarro on Newsmax TV rebuked the "Democrat Party strategic blueprint for toppling" president Donald Trump. "The top line here is very simple: The Democrat Party, as a coordinated strategy across six battleground states -- you've got Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin -- a coordinated strategy to stuff the ballot box with mail-in and absentee ballots, and do it in a way where they bend and often break the law," Navarro told Monday's "Greg Kelly Reports."... (more)

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