Tuesday, December 29th, 2020

America’s Ongoing Imperial Scam

Karen Kwiatkowski

To Know the Enemy That Has Caused This Tyrannical Carnage, Just Look at the Reflection in the Mirror

Gary D. Barnett

The Real Scandal of the Spending Bill

Ron Paul, MD

When People Trust in Men and Not in God

Yvonne Lorenzo

The Real Reason Why Your Kids Can’t Go Back To School (Hint: It’s Not COvid-19)


The Threat of Authoritarianism in the US Is Very Real, and Has Nothing To Do With Trump

Glenn Greenwald

Too Smart By Two-and-a-Half

Bionic Mosquito

Covid: Where Are the Courageous Religious Leaders?

By Jon Rappoport

2020: America’s Wake-Up Call

Patrick J. Buchanan

Crossing Lines

Eric Peters

In Darkness Visible

James Howard Kunstler

What People Say When They Wear a Mask in Their Car

Laurence M. Vance

LRC Blog

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