
We have a chance to flip an important Senate seat into Republican control.

Liberal Shenna Bellows stepped down from her seat to become Maine’s Secretary of State. Now we have the opportunity to elect a local small businessman as the next senator for District 14, part of Kennebec County. The election will be held on March 9, 2021.

That gives us only two months to get the word out about Will Guerrette’s candidacy. We need your help to do this. Democrats will undoubtedly have special interest dollars pouring in to support their candidate.

They are ready to spend big because they know they will have to fight hard to win this seat. A Republican held the senate seat as recently as 2016. Senator Susan Collins won the district by thousands of votes this November. President Trump won the district in 2016, and came within a percentage point of winning it in 2020.

With your help, we can elect a Republican to this seat this year!

Can you help us get the word out about Will Guerrette and get another Republican elected to the Maine Senate? Your donation of $10, $25, $50, or $100 will help get Will elected!

Will Guerrette will be a strong voice for Maine’s working families. He grew up in Kennebec County, raised his children in the area, and truly cares about the community he is running to serve. He is a small businessman, a family man, and he is ready to stand up for the working families of Maine.

Thank you for your support, and best wishes for a happy and healthy 2021 for you and your family.

-Shawn Roderick, Senate Republican Campaign Coordinator

P.S. Today is Senate Republican Leader Jeff Timberlake’s birthday! A strong kick-off to this special election campaign would be a great present for him. Donate here to help us get Will Guerrette elected to the Maine Senate.