Earlier this year, we shared the heartbreaking story of a 4-month-old puppy named Riley, who was burned with acid across his face and eye, beaten until his jaw was broken, and left for dead near a schoolyard in California.
John, I know Riley’s story is hard to read, but we cannot turn our backs on abused animals — not now, not ever. The sad truth is animals like Riley are tortured and killed every day in our country — and too often their abusers get away with it. That’s why we will not give up and we need you with us now to give Riley and other animal cruelty victims a voice in the courtroom.
It’s why we’ve set an ambitious year end goal of raising $300,000 before December 31 so that other animals don’t suffer like Riley did. Will you please donate now when your gift is doubled to fight animal cruelty, rescue victims, and bring animal abusers to justice?
Due to the actions of a Good Samaritan and a local rescue group, Riley survived. But animal victims like Riley need a dedicated advocate in court, fighting on their behalf. Your tax-deductible, year-end donation right now will be matched up to $130,000 to help us fight to pass legislation in 2021 that will give animal cruelty victims a powerful legal voice in the courtroom — and make abusers pay for their crimes.
Riley cannot speak to the abuse he suffered. He cannot confront his abuser. But you can ensure he has an advocate speaking out for him in court. In the year ahead, the Animal Legal Defense Fund is fighting to establish Courtroom Animal Advocate Programs (CAAP) in California, New Jersey, New York, and Florida.
CAAP laws protect animals by allowing judges to appoint trained volunteer attorneys or supervised law students as courtroom animal advocates to represent the interests of an animal victim like Riley in criminal cruelty cases. These laws seek to ensure that an animal’s needs will be taken into account and that animal abusers receive appropriate sentences to prevent future crime. Your support is critical to passing CAAP laws, and you will make an even bigger difference in this fight and all our work to end cruelty when your gift is doubled right now.
We must keep fighting for Riley, other victims like him, and all animals suffering abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Please speak out for innocent animals with your support to be matched today. |