Listen as Günter Bechly shares how your support impacted him and how you can advance intelligent design research in 2021.

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December 28, 2020
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Dear Jack:

Günter Bechly is a scientist that isn't supposed to exist. He is a distinguished German paleo-entomologist and specialist in dragonflies. After coming out as an ID sympathizer in 2015, following his private exploration of the evidence for design in nature, Bechly was the victim of retaliation and censorship by his institution.

But visionary donors to the ID 3.0 Research Initiative made it possible for him to find a home for his research and a supportive community of brilliant and like-minded scientists to encourage him.

Take a moment to listen as he shares his gratitude and tells how you can join the Center for Science and Culture (CSC) as we advance the case for intelligent design in 2021.
Gunter Bechly EOY Message

We hope you will join us in advancing the case for intelligent design in the coming year through your financial support of our work. Through our ID 3.0 Research Initiative, as well as our other initiatives, we have a unique opportunity to communicate the reality of intelligent design with many people desperate for community and encouragement.

Other lives like Günter Bechly's will be changed in the process.

Donate to the CSC

Here's how your gift can make an impact:

$125 funds editing and producing an article for Evolution News.

$350 supports production of an ID the Future podcast.

$1,000 sponsors a social media campaign for one of our books for a week.

$6,000 enables one student to participate in our summer seminar program.

$25,000 or more supports an ID 3.0 research project or fellowship.

Donate to the CSC

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Discovery Institute
Center for Science and Culture
208 Columbia St.
Seattle, WA 98104

phone: 206-292-0401 | fax: 206-682-5320

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