Every day, global population soars by more than 225,000 people. As human population skyrockets—we’re adding a billion people every dozen years, and a population the size of Phoenix every week—the earth’s precious biodiversity suffers.
This year, we’re all experiencing one consequence of population growth: the emergence of a deadly global pandemic. We know that human encroachment on wildlife habitats makes the spread of zoonotic pathogens more likely. With global population growth and heightened demand for food production resulting in clearing wilderness for agriculture, we face a world where pandemics like COVID-19 may become all too common.
That’s why, with your help, we’re pressing forward to spread the message that rapid population growth represents a dire emergency for people and our planet.
And now, you can make your support go even farther, thanks to a generous $55,000 matching gift offer from a small group of your fellow donors. Please consider a gift of $35.00 now, and it will be doubled!
You know that the best way to end rapid population growth—and combat threats like global pandemics, biodiversity loss, and most pressingly of all, climate change—is to ensure that people everywhere have access to safe and affordable reproductive health care and family planning options.
Your support today will help spread this message far and wide with our population education, outreach, and advocacy programs throughout the coming year.
None of our work would be possible without your generosity, and I am deeply grateful to you. Thank you for all that you do,

John Seager
President and CEO
P.S. Time is running low to take part in our $55,000 matching gift campaign! Your generous gift to Population Connection can still be doubled, through midnight, December 31st. YOU can foster a more sustainable balance between people and our planet.