Dear John,
We believe the success of our movement depends on having strong and sustainable organizations with a diverse pool of resilient, adaptive leaders who are positioned to catalyze change. But 10 years ago, state-based LGBTQ organizations were losing leadership at a rapid rate, and most executive directors had only been in their jobs for 18 months. We knew this had to change.
Because of supporters like you, we’ve been able to commit resources and dedicate staff to build stability in state organizations. Now, 10 years later, our current state executive directors have, on average, been on the job for more than three and a half years!
Donate $10 now to support LGBTQ leaders across the country.
Equality Federation has ramped up our Leadership Program over the years, now providing support beyond executive directors, to include field, communications, and development staff, too! It’s the best part of my job: supporting amazing leaders as they build power in their communities to change laws and improve lived experiences for LGBTQ people in the communities they call home.
Because of our ongoing relationships with state leaders, we are able to provide tailored support that meets their needs as individuals while also supporting their organizations’ development. We know strong leaders fuel the movement in the states, so we personalize training for leaders at every level of their career, including organizational development, programs, staffing, and conferences and summits to support them throughout the year.
In the coming years, strong, resilient leadership is more important than ever as we continue to battle anti-LGBTQ opponents across the country. Donate now to make sure we have the resources we need for supporting leaders in 2021.
Take care,

Diana González
Director of Leadership Programs
Equality Federation