
Before the new year, I wanted to make sure you saw this message from my Serve America team.

It’s true that Republican strategists and super PACs have already begun their work to try and take the House back in 2022. And, depending on what happens in Georgia, we will either be defending our new Senate majority or we’ll have another shot at flipping the Senate blue in 2022.

For Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to be as effective as we all hope they will be, they’re going to need a Democratic House and Senate—a goal that organizations like Serve America play a huge role in.

Though we’ve beaten Donald Trump and should celebrate that success, the work to move America forward is not over—and we need your help to make sure we have the resources to hit the ground running in January.

Please make a donation today to help us make progress towards our $10,000 grassroots fundraising goal before the end of the year.


We should all be proud of what we’ve achieved together this year. Now, let’s end the year on a high note.




---Forwarded message---



Thank you for everything you’ve done for Serve America during this challenging and strange year. We rolled with the punches and couldn’t be prouder of the work we’ve done together to support incredible leaders running for or already serving in Congress.

Though we are all worn out from a long and intense election cycle, we wanted to ask for your help one more time before the end of the year because we know that the work of fighting for a better, service-driven government never ends. And we know that Republicans and their dark money groups have already begun their work to take back the House in 2022.

We’ve set a goal of raising $10,000 before midnight on the 31st so that we have the resources we need to hit the ground running again in January, John. Can you contribute $5, $10, or whatever is meaningful to you so we can hit this goal before the end of the year?