Hi. It’s Alexandria, Ayanna, Ilhan, and Rashida.
Our first term in Congress is about to come to an end, and our second term will begin in just a few short days. The political establishment did everything they could to make us one-term Congresswomen — first with primary challenges against three of us, and then with Republican and Independent opponents who spent millions of dollars trying to defeat us. They failed.
Now, as we head into 2021, we each have to be sure we have the resources to fend off future challengers who want to stop our momentum and prevent real representation in the people’s house.
We want to show everyone, again, how big our Squad is and what we can do together. Our goal is to receive 2,487 more donations before midnight on December 31st. This is a steep goal, but if a whole lot of people pitch in what they can afford, then we know we can reach it.
Thank you for being a part of our movement — if you’ve been waiting for the best time to make your first contribution, this is the moment. Please make your first donation and help us reach our goal of 2,487 more contributions before the end of the year.
Each of us has the power to make change in our communities and help our country realize justice and equity for all. We’re so thankful to have your support.
In solidarity,
Alexandria, Ayanna, Ilhan, and Rashida