Here's the unforgiving truth: without ongoing support, Common Dreams will cease to exist.
It's not hyperbole. It's a fact. It's turn off the lights, shut down the server, everyone goes home.
We rely entirely on our readers' generosity to pay our staff, keep our website online, and fund the reporting you count on every day. And if we don't hit our year-end fundraising goal of $100,000 by December 31st, it will mean cuts to the journalism you count on us to deliver.
Friend, please don't just ignore this email and click delete. You count on us to provide the news that the corporate media won't—and we count on your support to power our work.
We're now just four days from the end of the year, and we're still $34,000 short of our must-hit goal. Please donate now to help reach our year-end fundraising goal by midnight Thursday!