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World Resources Institute

Dear John,

The world needs system-wide change now. Through WRI’s focus on research, on-the-ground projects, and partnerships and coalitions, we are well-positioned to inform and catalyze the change that is so urgently needed to tackle critical environmental challenges while building robust, inclusive growth.  

WRI needs your support to continue investing in dynamic research and best-in-class data systems, sharpening our focus on the human dimension of economics, and expanding coalitions to influence and implement global solutions for climate change, renewable energy, deforestation, ocean health, water risk, sustainable cities, food systems, and more. 

John, you understand the value of our work. As a nonprofit research-based organization, WRI can only continue to turn research into action through the generosity of donors like you.

People and the planet cannot afford incremental change. We must act now. John, please stand with us and donate today. Your generosity enables us to scale our work and to help countries and communities not only recover from the pandemic and economic fallout, but also to build back better. 

I hope you will join WRI as we work to create a more prosperous, equitable, and sustainable future for people and nature! Thank you for all you do to help build a better tomorrow. Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy new year. 

With deep appreciation,

Jenni LeBlanc
Director, Individual Philanthropy
World Resources Institute

P.S. I’m proud to share that WRI’s impact and fiscal transparency has earned top ratings from Charity Navigator (4 stars) and Charity Watch (A+). Just one more data point that you can feel good about when making your tax-deductible gift to WRI by December 31.