Making sure you saw Dean's note.
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Dear Friend,

Making sure you saw Dean's note from earlier today.

As I mentioned in a recent email, Dean's seen first-hand the stranglehold PAC money has on progress in Washington.

We need to raise $30K by the end of this month to offset what 3 PAC checks can typically raise. Dark money is pouring into the opposition's war chest.

Will you help Dean protect our democracy and fight PACs by donating now?

Or, if your payment information is saved with ActBlue, click below and your contribution will go through immediately:

$5 »
$25 »
$100 »

- Jonah

------- Forwarded Message -------
From: Dean Phillips
Subject: People (not PACs)
Date: Monday, Sept 23, 2019


Dear Friend,

Last week, my colleague Ro Khanna and I introduced legislation to prohibit candidates for the House and Senate from taking PAC money, and to ban so-called leadership PACs -- those set up by members of Congress themselves.

It also happens that Congressman Khanna and I are the only two in Congress who already don't accept any money from those sources.

Every night, our other colleagues -- on both sides of the aisle -- go from fundraising dinner to fundraising dinner collecting PAC checks along the way, because that's the way our system works right now. But it doesn't have to be that way.

As we come to the end of another important fundraising quarter, I hope you will invest in our mission to reform our government and repair our politics. Can I count on you today?


Money in politics is at the root of the dysfunction in Washington. I know because I've seen it first-hand. From healthcare to gun violence to climate change, powerful special interests who prefer the status quo use money to buy influence. And it works.

Politicians who care more about winning the next election than doing what's best for the country fall right in line, ensuring that the campaign cash keeps rolling in. Quid pro quo.

I ran for Congress to break that cycle of legalized corruption -- and we have lots of work to do. But I'll only be able to continue to do this work with your help, and I'm asking for that today.

Our goal is to raise $30,000 online before September 30th. The only way we'll get there is with the support of individuals like you, because I refuse to let special interests influence my work. I rely on those individual contributions and I hope you'll make one today.

If we can continue to show other candidates around the country that it's possible to run -- and win -- without PAC or special interest money, then more will try. And the more that try, the more that will win. And the more that will win, the more we can do together to repair our government.

It all starts here, in Minnesota's Third District. Are you with me?

- Dean

P.S. A candidate could raise $30,000 in just three PAC checks. But it will take nearly 600 of you to step up before September 30th for us to get there. Let's prove that people are still more powerful than PACs when we stand together. Contribute today!



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