Dear Friend,
Because of you, children on their own, children separated from their parents, children fleeing danger, had a Child Advocate at their side. Despite a global pandemic you made it possible for Child Advocates and volunteers to meet with children, to accompany them to virtual court hearings, to convince decision makers to adopt Young Center recommendations—85% of the time. You stood up for these children despite the hurtful rhetoric aimed at immigrants. As we head into 2021, we’re hopeful and heartened by your support.
If you’ve already donated, thank you so very much. If you would like to provide immigrant kids with independent Child Advocates in 2021 and beyond, please consider a contribution in any amount.
Thank you so much,
Maria Woltjen
Executive Director
P.S. Only in 2020, as part of the CARES ACT, you can take a tax deduction of up to $300 for donations, even if you take the standard deduction.
The Young Center works with the most vulnerable unaccompanied and separated immigrant children in federal custody, so their voices are heard, and their best interests are protected. We also advocate for an immigration system that treats children as children. To learn more about work, visit or follow us on social media. Click here to donate.