Dear Friend,
When the pandemic struck, Peace Over Violence’s offices closed immediately, but our dedicated team continued working from home day in and day out. With uncertainty came new challenges. For the first time ever in our 50-year history, we safely housed domestic violence survivors in hotels and provided groceries, case management, and wraparound services; we cultivated online trauma-informed clinical counseling and support groups, creating healing spaces online; we ran completely virtual education campaigns, training and educating communities on new platforms and working with new partners to ensure that survivors could access much-needed support; we adapted our prevention programs to train youth across the country on healthy relationships; and we worked diligently to coordinate our move into new headquarters.
Will you continue your support to make this important work possible? Give today.
The transition to virtual services in the wake of COVID-19 was urgent and necessary. It was imperative for us to utilize technology to bring our communities together, and our virtual programming continues to evolve and expand.
Around the world and in our city, #COVID-19 has disrupted all of our lives, but the virus has disproportionately affected women, girls and gender non-conforming people, exacerbating violence and abuse in the home and pushing millions—including children and youth—into isolation and vulnerability. This year-end giving season, you can ensure that survivors and families have access to life-saving and life-sustaining services. Make a gift today to help keep our communities safe and healthy.
Together, we are more.

Yvette Lozano
Chief Program Officer, Intervention Services Director