Levy Economics Institute of Bard College

Dear Friend of the Institute,

As this challenging year comes to a close, understanding what is occurring and what lies ahead for economies, financial markets, and public policy around the world is a daunting task. Your support this past year has helped us map out the numerous economic dimensions of the COVID-19 crisis and develop recommendations for how to navigate through them—your continued partnership will be crucial to what comes next.

The vaccine rollout appears to mark the beginning of the end of this pandemic. In the meantime, the virus rages on, lockdowns have been reimposed, and questions remain about the extent of the economic damage, the shape of the recoveries to come, and the future of fiscal and monetary policy. Uncertainty reigns.

The Levy Institute seeks to shape the landscape in economics and public policy by developing better analytical tools than those offered by the mainstream. Following in the footsteps of Hyman Minsky, Wynne Godley, and others, our aim is not merely to nudge a policy lever here or tweak a model there, but to identify blind spots, center neglected questions and problems, and develop workable alternatives. Expanding the boundaries of economic theory and policy in this way requires independence—your gift can help sustain that independence.

Join us as we endeavor to provide policymakers, practitioners, academics, and citizens broadly with a clearer view of our economic and financial world—one less clouded by conventional misunderstandings—and arm them with better policy responses to both the crisis of the moment and the decades-old weaknesses underlying our economic structures and institutions.

Please consider supporting the Institute today.

My warmest wishes for the holidays,


Read our most recent reports on how the COVID-19 crisis is impacting the economies of Italy and Greece.

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