Dear John,
Protect bees from one of the most toxic pesticides.
When Donald Trump took office, one of his first actions was to reverse protections from the brain-damaging, bee-killing pesticide chlorpyrifos. Urge President-Elect Joe Biden to ban this toxic pesticide on day 1!
Chlorpyrifos is one of the most dangerous pesticides on the market. It’s bad for people -- especially children -- and for bees. But after major manufacturer Dow Chemical donated $1 million to his inauguration fund, Trump allowed it to continue to be used.
Now, we need your help to push the Biden administration to protect Americans and bees from chlorpyrifos.
Demand President-Elect Joe Biden stop the use of the toxic pesticide chlorpyrifos.
Banning this toxic pesticide would be an easy action for Biden’s administration to take on day one -- proving to Americans that it will stand with EPA scientists and public health, not pesticide industry lobbyists.
After all, chlorpyrifos not only is a toxic bee killer, but it also damages children’s developing brains. Even small amounts of chlorpyrifos exposure can cause reduced IQ, loss of memory, and autism. And those regularly exposed to the toxic pesticide -- farmworkers and their families -- have an increased risk of severe neurological conditions.
EPA scientists have twice recommended that this chemical be banned -- stating there is no safe level of exposure for children.
Several states, including California, New York, Maryland and Hawaii -- along with the European Union -- have taken steps to ban chlorpyrifos. We need your help to undo the damage Trump did and demand that Biden act.
Tell Biden: Children are more important than pesticide profits.
Our food system is at risk from chlorpyrifos. Bees and pollinators are responsible for one in three bites of food we eat -- but they are dying at alarming rates. Since chlorpyrifos is sprayed on a variety of crops -- from almonds to zucchinis -- pollinators are routinely exposed to this deadly chemical.
The Biden/Harris administration has a chance to take common-sense action and ban this pesticide. Protect children. Protect bees. Protect communities.
Chlorpyrifos is dangerous. Can we count on your help to push the Biden administration to stop its use?
Demand Biden take action to ban chlorpyrifos as soon as he is sworn in.
Standing with you,
Jason Davidson,
Food and agriculture campaigner,
Friends of the Earth