Dear John, Over decades of immersion in our blue jewel of a planet’s seas, especially my successful 35-year quest to become the first person ever to swim non-stop from Cuba to Florida (achieved on Sept 2, 2013, when I swam 110.86 miles in 52 hrs, 54 mins), I fell madly in love with our majestic oceans.
Like you, I have become alarmed at the egregious piling up of plastic pollution across our once-pristine seas. Is it
too late? Following the lead of the dedicated activists at Plastic Pollution Coalition, we answer with a passionate “NO! IT IS NOT TOO LATE!” I am proud indeed to be named one of PPC’s Ambassadors; my initiative is doing our small part to commit to less single-use plastic in our homes, in our businesses, and in our lives. Yes, it takes fervent believers such as those at PPC
to change the world. But we citizens, one by one, can make for significant change by our daily actions. I am asking you to join me this holiday season to support Plastic Pollution Coalition in their commitment to significantly reduce single-use plastic. Trust us. It’s not too late. We can, together, restore the health of our blue planet.
Please DONATE TODAY and your gift will be matched, dollar for dollar, by the Plastic Pollution Coalition Executive Advisory Board up to $50,000 by Thursday, December 31. Thank you for stepping up and for being part of the solution to a dire and disturbing problem. Thank you for your love of our beautiful oceans. With gratitude, 
Diana Nyad Ambassador Plastic Pollution Coalition P.S. Remember your GIFT TODAY will be matched up to $50,000. |