Looking back at everything we accomplished in 2020!
Dear John and CCL-DC Family,
What a year this has been. We are so grateful to all of you for your efforts and care in a time of crisis and community. We have leaned on each other as more than climate activists.
We reviewed events from the CCL-DC calendar ([link removed]) over the past year-- look at how much we have done together!
** 2020 Accomplishments
* December Conference, Lobby Day, and conference debrief/recap
* EVP phone banking (General Election + Georgia Election)
* Letter to Reps and Envelope Crafting with Climate Classes
* Climate Advocate Training (x2)
* Calls to Alaska for FLOW workshop
* Submitted testimony to Slow Streets Hearing
* Halloween with Citizens' Climate Lobby DC
* Self-Care Sundays: Artful Affirmations and Conversations
* D.C. Candidate Discussion + Voting Party
* CCL-DC anti-racism discussions:
+ "Letter from a Region of My Mind" by James Baldwin
+ "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack"
+ Climate Storytelling
+ Beyond Diversity Watch Party
+ Environmental Justice impacts in DC presentation
* Climate Book Club:
+ “Black Faces, White Spaces” by Carolyn Finney
+ "The Story of More" by Hope Jahren
+ "Who Really Feeds the World?" by Vandana Shiva
+ "The Righteous Mind" by Jonathan Haidt
+ "Don’t Even Think About It..." by George Marshall
+ "On Fire: The Burning Case for a Green New Deal" by Naomi Klein
* "Braver Angels: Reuniting America" documentary & discussion with Braver Angels DC
* Leading Effective Teams & Power Building Workshop
* Letter-Writing Parties:
+ Conservative Outreach
+ May
+ Earth Day
+ February
* Citizens’ Assemblies on Climate
* CCL Earth Day conference
* National Conference, Lobby Day, and Debrief
* Energy Innovation Act Deep Dive
* Limericks for the Climate
* Climate Action on Twitter
* Tweet storms
+ December
+ October
+ September
+ August
+ July
* Student Outreach presentations - McKinley, Montgomery Blair, WLA, Annandale
* Presentation at St Thomas Episcopal Church
* Monthly Calling Campaign (with 50 chapter participants!), got kudos from EHN staff
* Busboys / Overheated series: Read All About It - Climate Reporting and Sifting Through Bad Science
* CCL-DC Strategy Meeting & Dinner at Ben's Chili Bowl
* Chapter teams (Lobbying, Chapter Development, Student outreach, conservative outreach), and leadership team / steering committee
* Steady transition to virtual events during the pandemic and solid community building & resilience
Tell us your favorites on our Community Forum ([link removed])
What was your favorite? We would love to hear from you on your reflections for 2020. Please weigh in on our chapter's community forum ([link removed]) .
We look forward to working with you to build political will for climate legislation in 2021. Let us know how we can help you exercise and grow your personal and political power.
Thank you for everything. We can't do this without you.
With gratitude,
Max & Debbie
DC Chapter co-leaders
** Environmental Voters Outreach for Georgia Senate Election
CCL DC is having our last weekly phone banking for the Georgia Senate races this Wednesday, December 30 at 6pm.
RSVP: [link removed]
Other time shifts also available, see below.
We're targeting 382,844 unlikely-to-vote environmentalists for the upcoming Jan. 5th U.S. Senate runoff elections in Georgia, and we've already gotten 63,876 of them to vote early (including more than 2,000 environmentalists who didn't even vote in the November presidential election)!
But with just a week left, the future of the U.S. Senate is at stake, and your efforts can make a difference. Time is running out, and we won't hit our remaining voter contact goals without your help.
Join the Environmental Voter Project (and tons of CCLrs, and occasional special guests!) for the last push to get out the vote ([link removed]) for the Georgia Senate races, NOW until January 5th. RSVP:
[link removed]
** News from National
* 2021 will be an important year for climate policies in Congress, and Citizens’ Climate has big advocacy plans. This year, our goal is to raise $1 million by year end and we're nearly there! Make a donation (and see reflections from other volunteers) at citizensclimate.org/give
* We had record turnout for our December Conference and Lobby Day! Since our December lobby meetings, four new members of Congress have signed on to the Energy Innovation Act, and three measures that CCL has supported as “supporting asks” in lobby meetings were passed last week ([link removed]) .
* Couldn’t attend the event live or want to check out some of the other breakout sessions you missed? Recordings and presentations from all sessions, including three of the Sunday seminars, are now available on CCL Community at: [link removed]. You can also check out a short video on conference highlights, below:
[link removed]
2020 December conference highlights
** Save the Date
* CCL-DC's annual strategic meeting will be on Saturday, January 9 ([link removed]) (exact time TBD).
* See you in the new year!
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