What’s up John, it’s your old pal Lizz Winstead here! 


Just wanted to send you a quick little reminder that our match is still going on, AND that you really hate it when self-righteous jerks take it upon themselves to scream at people accessing safe abortions at clinics. 


I know you hate it because I FOR SURE hate it - and I wouldn’t be emailing you right now unless we had at least that much in common. 

List says

Abortion Access Front is like bug spray to these irritating pests. We protest their weird hateful hobby with our delightfully productive shenanigans. Why, just earlier this year we scooped their website domain OperationSaveAmerica.com and have been countering their garbage claims about abortion left and right. 


We Give AF about people getting access to medical care WITHOUT all the harassment, screaming, and just general bad energy. 


We know we can do more and we have big plans for 2021. We need your support to get there! 


If you give AF too - donate today. And of course, when you donate today, that gift will be DOUBLED.


So shake off that holiday hangover and clickity click that donate button now!



Lizz Winstead


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