Hey John,

Earlier this year, the top GOP House PAC released their 2020 battlefield districts and named Washington's 8th District as one of the most wanted.

Since then, the Republicans in D.C. have been on the hunt for the perfect, Trump-backed candidate to go up against Dr. Kim Schrier -- and, if the rumblings we're hearing are correct, they may have someone specific in their sights.

That's why meeting every goal, no matter how small it seems, is so important. If we don't post big numbers, we will look weak -- and it'll be that much easier for the GOP to raise the funds they need to take back this seat.

So, can I count on you to help Kim meet our $12,000 mid-month fundraising goal? This is our first deadline of the new quarter, so it's imperative we hit our goal before Monday at midnight.

Here's a personalized link you can use to chip in $3 or more: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/[email protected]

Thanks for your continued support,


Devon Davenport
Team Finance
Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress
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