Dear John,

Hello, I’m Octavia Spencer: actress, author, producer, #RespectEverywhere director, and huge supporter of GLSEN. Let me tell you a little bit about why I’m such a fan of GLSEN and its work. 

I have devoted my career to diverse storytelling and promoting social good. I know I have a serious responsibility to show up as a steadfast ally for the LGBTQ+ community. GLSEN’s mission is to ensure every student feels safe and respected in their schools and community, and the most effective way to advocate for change is to share the stories of LGBTQ+ youth.

Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to be a part of #RespectEverywhere and help tell stories of LGBTQ+ students across the country and how they’ve impacted their communities. 

I was grateful to direct a short film about Jessica Chiriboga, a Christian, Latina, mixed-race lesbian. Her strength in becoming an LGBTQ+ youth activist is beautiful. 

We have so many more stories to tell and so much more support to give to our LGBTQ+ students. GLSEN has been advocating for change for 30 years, and we need GLSEN around for at least 30 more. 

Will you help ensure that we keep telling students’ stories and continue to support all LGBTQ+ students by giving a gift today?

Any gift you make will be doubled by a generous $125,000 match from long-time GLSEN champions, Jim Parsons and Todd Spiewak, who serves on GLSEN's Board.

Thank you, GLSEN, for changing the world for 30 years, and thank you, John, for making this possible. 

Octavia Spencer

P.S. In case you missed it, you can watch Jessica’s story here.
GLSEN Inc. | 110 William Street | 30th Floor | New York, NY 10038 | 212-727-0135 | [email protected]
