All gifts doubled for families in poverty before 2020 ends. |
  Oxfam America  

We are all experiencing COVID-19 in one way or another. But we are not all impacted equally. While no country, including the US, has been spared, families living in poverty worldwide have suffered devastating effects. As markets have closed and people have lost their jobs, a hunger crisis has emerged – millions of people already struggling with the impacts of conflict, climate change, inequality, and a broken food system have been tipped over the edge, and are now on the brink of starvation.

We can't let that happen. We can't stand by while millions of people in the US and around the world fall into long-term, unyielding poverty. This is a global crisis, and no one is safe until everyone is safe.

That's why right now, until 2020 ends, all gifts made before our midnight fundraising deadline on December 31, up to a total of $500,000, will be DOUBLED for people living in hunger and poverty worldwide. Join us – donate now >>

Donate $100 monthly now
Donate $75 monthly now
Donate $50 monthly now
Donate any amount now

With your help, we can continue responding to COVID-19 in more than 60 countries with critical aid like clean water and soap, and make sure families have enough food to survive. We've already reached 11.3 million people since the start of the pandemic with our COVID-19 response. And as 2021 approaches, we can – we must – help communities establish a fairer, more sustainable world.

The support we receive right now will ensure we have the resources to immediately help families living in poverty survive this crisis – and power our long-term fight to end inequality. Your gift can help these efforts – like how earlier this year in Lebanon, we responded right away to the Beirut blasts with emergency cash for people impacted, and have been following up with mental health support and legal assistance ever since so people can rebuild.

We have a collective responsibility to stand up for people suffering through the burdens of poverty. Make your voice heard – donate now while your impact can go twice as far >>

When we work together, we can save lives. Thank you for your continued support.


Abby Maxman
Oxfam America

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