Wishing you a Peaceful and Happy New Year

Dear Friend of Quincy Institute,

We want to take a moment to thank you for your support this past year.  In just a short time, we have succeeded in saturating the media with independent analysis and commentary that challenge the conventional wisdom in Washington, making the case for a fundamentally new U.S. foreign policy — one based on peaceful and vigorous engagement with the world and a sharp move away from the militarism of the past decades.

In our inaugural year, QI’s staff and fellows have put forward thought-provoking ideas in publications including the New York Times, Foreign Policy, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, the American Conservative, and Foreign Affairs, just to name a few. We’ve outperformed peers with budgets that far exceed our present budget.

Your support has made the expansion of QI’s impact, convening power, and programming possible.
The year ahead will be a critical one as a presidential transition presents an opportunity to put forward new thinking in favor of investing in and leading with diplomacy. Your generosity will enable us to become an even larger voice that takes on the status quo and sets a sensible and humane direction for the U.S.’s role in the world.

Wishing you a peaceful New Year, 

Suzanne DiMaggio
Board Chair
Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft

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Quincy Institute
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Washington, DC 20006-1921

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