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Christians slaughtered by Muslim terrorists in sickening attack on Christmas Eve
Did anyone imagine this Christmas would be any different than prior years and the attendant Islamic slaughter of innocent non-Muslims during their holiest holiday?

Christians slaughtered by Islamist terrorists in sickening attack on Christmas ...

Love To See It! NBA Christmas Day Ratings Tank ‘Massively’
Apparently NBA Commissioner Adam Silver does not understand that insulting much of the country is a terrible business practice. Look for NBA revenues to tank again in 2021. “The awful Christmas Day ratings strongly suggest that fans have neither ...

You Can Kill Covid With a Flick of a Light Switch, Study Shows
Israeli researchers discover that coronavirus can be quickly and easily killed using UV LED lights. =

As the world continues to race toward a vaccine for Covid-19, new Israeli research shows that the humble light bulb could become a major ...

Powell Releases Massive 270 Page Document Detailing Alleged Election Fraud
Biden will never be President.

BREAKING: Sidney Powell Releases Massive 270 Page Document Detailing Alleged Election Fraud

By Collin Rugg,  Trending Politics, December 27, 2020:

Pro-Trump attorney Sidney Powell recently released a ...

COVERUP OF THE CENTURY: Leaked Documents Expose Extent Of Communist China’s Coronavirus Lies/Disinfo/ Censorship
Thousands of internal directives and reports expose how Chinese officials stage-managed what appeared online in the early days of the outbreak.

Called “The Wuhan Files,” the report reveals evidence of mishandling and purported destroying of ...

NBC: ‘Trump claims Israel-Morocco deal brings peace, but in reality it could spark war’
Other presidents throughout American history have endured harsh criticism from the press. None of them, however, have faced anything like the relentless, organized hit job that is the establishment media’s coverage of President Trump, featuring ...

Democrat Bombings: Far-Left Journalist Among Four Charged in BLM FIREBOMBINGS in Arkansas
The Democrats brutalized Americans in 2020 with riots, lockdowns, lootings, arson rioting, murderous mayhem. It's is why Trump won in landslide.

The reporter worked for public radio. Your taxpayer dollars at work.

Radio journalist is among ...

Miami mayor urges Wall Street firms to leave NYC for friendlier city
Excellent idea, Mayor Suarez. America is going to see some significant population shifts in the years to come, since more American corporations will flee Democrat States plagued by high taxes.

The realization of our efforts to bring ...

Trump joins White House historian in blasting media for not appreciating Melania

The mainstream media's treatment of our stunningly beautiful, elegant, and intelligent First Lady has bee nothing short of despicable. And our fashion and lifestyle ...

US to Label Products From Parts of Judea and Samaria as ‘Made in Israel’
Incredible. Thank you to President Donald J. Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Ambassador David Friedman, and tJared Kushner for their steadfast support for the State of Israel. #BDSFail.

US to label products from parts of Judea and ...


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