When Jason first launched his campaign, he made it clear that his #1 priority would be to make the lives of his neighbors better.
So when the Council for a Livable World (CLW) endorsed this campaign, we were excited to have them on our side in Jason's work to protect our national security for folks back home. CLW has been a key to success for campaigns for decades. Their endorsement of Jason was integral to his victories, and now they -- and Jason -- are turning their attention where it's needed most: Georgia.
Reverend Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff are challenging two corrupt, Wall Street-backed incumbent Senators in a runoff election next month -- and Mitch McConnell and other national Republicans are pouring millions of dollars into Georgia because it's the only way that they'll maintain their extreme control of the Senate.
CLW helped Jason cross the finish line more than once, now it's time for us to join forces again to help Reverend Warnock and Jon Ossoff across the finish line too. Will you rush a split donation between Jason, CLW, Jon Ossoff, and Reverend Warnock right now?
Jon Ossoff and Reverend Warnock are offering new leadership to Georgians. Their votes in the Senate will be key to ushering in more COVID-19 relief at the start of the new Congress and advancing the progressive legislation that has been sitting in Mitch McConnell's legislative graveyard.
But friends, the January 5th runoff election is just around the corner, and folks in Georgia are already casting their ballots. Mitch McConnell's ads are flooding the Georgia airwaves, while Ossoff and Warnock are trying to cut through the lies.
As soon as the new year begins, there will be very few opportunities left to reach the most critical voters in this runoff; your help is urgently needed.
This our last chance to take back the Senate, and we'll only get there with the help of this grassroots team. So, will you split a contribution between Jason, Reverend Warnock, Jon Ossoff, and Council for a Livable World?
Thank you,
Crow HQ
Now more than ever, we need strong leaders like Jason working for us in Congress. Jason is fighting for you, your family, and the American people in Congress -- and he's not taking a dime of corporate PAC money. Will you pitch in now to help him continue working for us?
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Jason Crow for Congress
PO Box 32145
Aurora, CO 80041-2145