Hi John,
I just have to share this with you… It’s one of the BEST blessings you help provide every Christmas.
You may not know this, but amazing partners like you provide holiday meals, winter essentials, and even Christmas presents for young families each year. This is done through a program called Holiday Connections.
And this is only one of the many practical examples of the help and hope you provide. But as you can imagine, the holiday season can be especially challenging for families that are trying to move from crisis to stability.
That’s why each year Human Coalition comes together with local communities, churches, and partners like you to provide for the tangible needs of families.
Of course, Holiday Connections also does what the name implies: it connects partners like you with Women’s Care Clinic patients, their families, and their immediate needs.
And since you may not know what this looks like, I’d love to share a quote from one of the partners who recently participated in Holiday Connections. Her family helped provide for the needs of “Samantha” and “Joshua”.
Please take a moment to be blessed by this powerful testimony:
“It was a blessing to be able to help Samantha and Joshua to have a nice Christmas.
“Meeting them Saturday was so touching. Samantha seemed overwhelmed after the ‘elves’ loaded her car with gifts. She kept repeating ‘Thank you’ very softly. Then her mom said, ‘Thank you for doing this for my daughter.’
“That was an emotional moment for me. Over 30 years ago I was a struggling single mother, but I had parents and brothers who helped my daughter and me in many ways, including helping me provide my daughter with gifts at Christmas.
“I was so grateful, and prayed that I would be able to pay it forward someday...
“I will keep Samantha and Joshua in my prayers. I hope and pray that God blesses her and her family with faith in Jesus Christ, and His peace, love and joy during this Christmas season.”

That’s the love of Christ in action. And it’s made possible by partners like you!
I hope this testimony blessed and encouraged you, knowing that patients and their families are not forgotten during the holidays. Many are blessed to experience the hope of Christmas through the Holiday Connections program.
So John, during this busy and stressful season, I hope you’ll take a moment to reflect and remember your impact. It goes far beyond rescuing children from abortion this Christmas.
Your impact extends to restoring families, moving them from crisis to stability. And during the holiday season, that means ensuring more families get to experience all the joys of Christmas… from Christmas presents… to a warm meal together to celebrate.
Thank you for your continued prayers and generous giving. You’re truly the hands and feet of Christ to so many!
God bless you,
Erin Forsythe
Vice President of Development
P.S. — Don’t forget that you can still help DOUBLE the lifesaving impact to rescue even more children! www.humancoalition.org/spread-hope-rescue-families