Good morning John,

I hope you've been enjoying your holidays and are snuggled somewhere cozy and warm.  (I'm still waiting to get Georgia checked off that wish list!)

As you may know, December 31st marks the end of my two-year term with you folks.  That means today will be my last Zoom meeting.  

I know many of you want to see the group continue, and that will require all of you leaning in a bit.  Rather than get into detail here, I'm going to give a rundown today of what I think we'll need to not just keep things running, but to take them to the next level.  (I will try to record and will ask someone to take notes.)  I hope you'll be able to join us between 2 and 3 to find out how you can play a part.


A few quick Georgia plugs (can't stop won't stop):

We're remote curing ballots again, y'all!  Every day, multiple shifts per day.  Make a GA Dem voter VERY happy by letting them know their ballot needs correction. This one is going to be an absolute squeaker and eeeeevery ballot is crucial.

Phone bank for Fair Fight--it's non-partisan, just get people to the polls!

Of course there are plenty of phone banks to help Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock too.  Let's turn that Senate blue.  Puh-LEASE.

And yes this is a repeat but I really need you to hear it today, friends.  Give it some thought.  Step outside your comfort zone.  I promise you'll be glad you did.

This isn't quite goodbye; I'll be posting more Georgia goodies and sappy stuff later this week.  Oh!  And I keep forgetting to post donation links: 

Paypal and Zelle are [email protected] 

Venmo is @Shannon-Craine

Thank you so much for your generosity everyone; it keeps these activism wheels turning.  Lots of love.


Stand Up San Francisco