
In 2018 we saw what happens when we work our hearts out to get Democrats elected across the country. In the freshman class of the new Congress, we sent more women than ever before and had the largest number of military veterans in nearly a decade.

Our victories were historic, and the world watched as we made major inroads in the fight to limit Trump’s power and get the country working again for everyday Americans.

We need to do the same thing in 2020.

Will you make a contribution today so that we have the resources we need to support candidates running up and down the ballot from the Statehouse to the White House in 2020?

We’re working hard and asking for your help because here’s what’s on the line right now:

  • The Trump administration continues to roll back climate protections, and Trump continues to look for new opportunities to take the country to war
  • Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans are dragging their feet on gun safety laws that would address the increasing number of mass shootings and keep Americans safer
  • House Republicans say they’re running on repealing the Affordable Care Act … again

We have our work cut out for us, but we have opportunities in places like Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Maine, North Carolina, and Texas to flip the Senate. We have a slew of great Democratic candidates running for president, and we’re on track to extend our majority in the House.

Will you rush a donation right now so that we can support Democrats across the country and win big in 2020?

With just a few months between now and when the first voters cast their votes in the 2020 election cycle, we can’t afford to have anyone sitting on the sidelines.

We’re relying on you and your support.

Thank you,

Team Moulton