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Art and Activism:
Posters for Social Change
A Living New Deal Online Forum

Ennis Carter, Lincoln Cushing and Max Slavkin
Thursday, Jan 7, 2021
5-6:30pm PST

Social movements historically have used posters to spread the word, build solidarity and demand change. During the New Deal, the WPA employed artists, graphic designers and printers to promote public health, tourism, education, the arts and more. In the digital age, a new generation of activists is harnessing the power of the poster to demand a Green New Deal. Free. Click here to register.
Ennis Carter is founding director of  Philadelphia-based DfSI/Social Impact Studios, engaging people in important social issues through the creative combination of communication and grassroots organizing. She is also the founder, curator and author of Posters for the People: Art of the WPA. The research project includes a virtual archive of more than 1,300 WPA posters never cataloged by the federal government—some hidden for more than 70 years.
Lincoln Cushing is an archivist and author who documents, catalogs, and disseminates oppositional political culture of the late 20th century. His books include Revolucion! Cuban Poster Art, Visions of Peace & Justice: Political Posters from Inkworks Press, and Agitate! Educate! Organize! - American Labor Posters. He was curator for the exhibition All Of Us Or None  Poster Art of the San Francisco Bay Area at the Oakland Museum of California and continues to catalog the collection. His projects can be seen at
Max Slavkin is the co-founder and CEO of Creative Action Network (CAN) an online marketplace for social impact art and design. CAN works with non-profits, retail partners and the creative community to fuel social change through art.  Inspired by the artists of the WPA, CAN’s posters have been exhibited in Washington, D.C. and San Francisco. CAN’s latest book - Posters For A Green New Deal, features 50 removable posters to inspire change. Book sales support the Sunrise Movement.
Free. Click here to register.

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