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Vote for our December grantees with one click!

With support from CREDO Mobile, CREDO Energy, CREDO Long Distance and Working Assets Credit Card, CREDO sets aside $150,000 each month to donate to three organizations making positive change.

Economic Justice
Center for Economic and
Policy Research
CEPR fights for economic justice in the US and abroad, offering progressive policy solutions that protect the most vulnerable and upend inequality.
CEPR's original research centers social and racial equity to create economic power for the people.
Center for Economic and Policy Research

Free Speech For People
Voting Rights
Free Speech For People
FSFP fights to take on big money in politics; to ensure free and fair elections; to challenge corporate abuse of the Constitution to evade public interest laws; and to advocate for amendments to the Constitution to reclaim our democracy.

Green America
Green America – a trusted national nonprofit since 1982 – mobilizes consumers, investors, business leaders, and corporations to take economic action to create a more socially just and environmentally sustainable society.
Green America

Want to vote for more than 1 organization?
Vote for All Three
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1 vote per email address /mo.
Make a Real Change.
Power your home with renewable energy. Help enable progressive and sustainable change.
Plus, get a $150 reward!

Questions? Send us an email or write us at: 101 Market Street, Suite 700, San Francisco, CA 94105

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