Weekend Edition, December 26-27, 2020

When Covid-19 Swept Through a Country in the Mid-1970s

It Was A Nation-Ruining Disease. By Bill Sardi

Let’s Play a Disinformation Game

L. Reichard White

Face Masks Refusal Says So Much, Because Courage Is the Prerequisite to All Virtuous Behavior

Allan Stevo

In Case You Thought the PCR Test Detects an Actual Virus…Wrong

Jon Rappoport

The Many Uses of Frankincense and Myrrh

David Abulafia

I Am Outraged

Robert W. Felix

New York Can’t Buy Its Way Out of Blackouts

David Wojick

Today’s Negative Rates Are the Path to Poverty

Douglas French

Farage: Deal Might Not Be Perfect, But We’ve Made the Break

Victoria Friedman

Christmas Awokenings

James Howard Kunstler

Trump Should Pardon Julian Assange

Strategic Culture

Pick Your Pronoun

Theodore Dalrymple

LRC Blog

Political Theatre

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