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Poland to Pass Law Protecting Online Free Speech Against Big Tech Censorship
‘Act for the Freedom to Express One’s Views and Obtain and Disseminate Information on the Internet’ will give social media users a statutory right to appeal bans and content removals on social media platforms such as Facebook on Twitter, ...

Rep. Brooks: ‘Baffled’ by Senate Hesitancy to Challenge 2020 Outcome
We are already there if America stands by while the Democrat criminal syndicate gets away with the biggest theft in human history.

Listen here:

California’s Highest-Paid Govt Employee Worked for Org Tied to Chinese Espionage
Thew Democrat party of treason has been subsumed by the Chicoms.

California’s Highest-Paid Govt Employee Worked for Org Tied to Chinese Espionage

Taxpayers paid $1.7 million to ex-pension fund manager Meng

Yuichiro Kakutani, WFB, ...

PERFIDY: DIRTY GOP ‘Leaders’ Oppose Tuberville Objecting to Biden’s Electoral Fraud
Contact your Senators and especially contact that spineless opportunist McConnell and make as much noise as you can. Call, write, go down to their office with a picket sign. FIGHT! Public servants serve we the people. ...

Rudy Giuliani: “Starting After Christmas This Is Really Going to Blow Up”
“You’re going to find out all at once. It’s going to be very shocking to the country.”

Rudy Giuliani: “Starting After Christmas This Is Really Going to Blow Up”

Christmas is not cancelled. We all know President Trump won the ...


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