Rising to the challenge.
As this year draws to a close, we're taking a look back at all the progress we've made as a city under Mayor LaToya Cantrell. While the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged New Orleans unlike ever before, Mayor Cantrell has risen to the challenge. She followed the science and imposed tougher measures than the rest of the state. As a result, New Orleans reversed its status as a COVID-19 hotspot and at times our city has performed better than the rest of Louisiana on key COVID metrics. As we move into the new year and Mayor Cantrell begins her campaign for second term, we need your help to keep up the progress.
From rental assistance to aid for local businesses, Mayor Cantrell has spearheaded a truly unprecedented response to get New Orleanians the help they need. Here's just a few of the things Mayor Cantrell is doing to respond to the COVID crisis:
- 11,000 people receiving meals from the city's mass feeding program
- $8.4 million in rent paid from the city's Rental Assistance Fund
- Landlord Emergency Grant Program stabilized housing for 500 to 700 households
- $1.5 million raised for the city's Gig-Workers Relief Fund
- $6.7 million total raised from philanthropic partners for relief for New Orleanians struggling with COVID-related
- $10 million in community development block grants to shore affordable housing projects that were at risk of losing funding because of COVID-19
- Mainstreet Recovery Program and Outdoor Dining Grant Program delivered grants to help businesses cover COVID-related expenses

Thanks to Mayor Cantrell, thousands of New Orleanians are receiving the help they need to get through this crisis. Mayor Cantrell is up for re-election next year. Help us build on the progress we've made in her first term by donating now and stayed tuned for more updates on the Mayor's 2020 accomplishments.