Refuse Fascism formed in December of 2016 with this mission: to build a movement of people coming
from diverse perspectives, united in our recognition that the Trump/Pence Regime poses a
catastrophic danger to humanity and the planet, and that it is our responsibility to drive them from
power through non-violent protests that grow every day until our demand is met. We raised the
slogan In the name of humanity we refuse to accept a fascist America, and we hit the streets,
protesting every outrage, standing up to fascist thugs, and going to court to fight vengeful
prosecutions of non-violent civil disobedience.
For almost four years, Refuse Fascism has been leading people to fully confront the problem of
Trump’s Make America Great Again fascist program of white supremacy, misogyny, and xenophobia,
and to embrace their power and responsibility to stop this vicious American fascism. With our
ubiquitous signs and banners, we have brought this unequivocal message into the public debate and
the public square, offering a split screen to the world of two futures facing off – one of fascist
consolidation and a nightmare for humanity – or one in which humanity has a chance to thrive
because we acted to stop a fascist America.
By continuing to unite, organize, and mobilize people into a mass movement against fascism, by
digging more deeply into understanding the roots of this fascism through forums, interviews, and
debates with scholars and activists, and by spreading A Pledge to the People of the World – an historic
moral and political statement and tool for organizing networks of resistors from every corner of
society, Refuse Fascism is the organization taking responsibility to build up a non-violent force of
millions that can actually drive this fascism out of society.
Getting Trump’s hands off the levers of power is a great thing for humanity, but it is only the
beginning. With moral clarity and strategic nerve, we must not let this regime – in the White House or
“in exile” – do any more damage. Take the pledge to the people of the world to refuse to accept a fascist America, and back up your pledge with your generous donation to Refuse Fascism.

It will not be soon enough that the Trump/Pence regime is gone from the White House, and they
must never be allowed to come back. But we cannot let down our guard or go to sleep. So many lives
still hang in the balance. The future is unwritten, and we must be the ones to write it. Please give generously to this great cause.
For humanity,
Coco Das
Cornel West
P.S. Another way to support the movement: bid on the wonderful work being auctioned by Artists, Makers & Designers to Refuse Fascism. Opening bids from $10 - $1300