Dear Friend,

I hope you've had time to rest and relax and enjoy the season. Over the holidays, I was able to catch up on some reading. And was shocked when I came across an article in a popular magazine claiming that viewing pornography should be considered “healthy and normal”...

... when nothing could be further from the truth! Research actually shows us the exact opposite:

Pornography usage is harmful and directly linked to increased violence against women. In fact, the vast majority of scenes in pornographic films show verbal or physical aggression towards women—and depict the women as actually enjoying it! 

That’s why we’re working tirelessly across the country to change the dialogue around pornography and educate about its dangers. 

Give now to show your support and see your gift DOUBLED.

What’s heartbreaking is that it’s easier than ever for children to access Internet pornography. And the age at which boys and girls are first exposed is younger and younger. It’s shaping the next generation—their views about women—and normalizing violence and abuse. 

We must put a STOP to the public health threat of pornography.

Right now, our Year-End Matching Grant will DOUBLE your gift—giving it TWICE the impact. Please give to the National Center on Sexual Exploitation today! Your support provides education and advocacy and pushes back against the tide of normalizing sexual abuse and exploitation through pornography.


Patrick Trueman
President and CEO
National Center on Sexual Exploitation


P.S. Please stand with us to bring pornography out of the shadows, exposing its connection to other forms of sexual abuse and exploitation. Give by midnight on December 31 to DOUBLE your year-end gift! 

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