Grassley Direct

I spoke with Brian Fancher at KLMJ in Hampton and Jacob Hall with the Iowa Standard in Sioux Center. We discussed the coronavirus economic relief package and election integrity.

NEW VIDEO: What Christmas is all about


Merry Christmas! Wishing you and your loved ones a safe and blessed holiday.

Q&A: COVID-19 Vaccine Rolls Out


Q: When can Iowans expect to be eligible for immunization?

Q: What’s your message to Iowans as the vaccine rolls out across the country?

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Operation Warp Speed launched a historic public-private partnership. It’s delivered a lifesaving vaccine in record time, shattering scientific benchmarks along the way. For the last nine months, Americans have pulled together in shared sacrifice to do their part. 

As the COVID-19 vaccine make its way into communities across the country, I encourage Iowans to keep pulling together. When public health officials say it’s your turn to get the vaccine, roll up your sleeve. I’ll be doing the same when it’s my turn.

It was past time Congress acted to provide relief to Americans suffering because of the pandemic. Senate Republicans have had multiple earlier attempts shot down and filibustered by Democrats. We overcame the division that had thus far stymied action.

Read more about how the year-end government funding bill and COVID-19 relief legislation will benefit Iowa families and small businesses.

Post of the Week


This yr’s Capitol Christmas tree hails from Grand Mesa natl forest. An annual tradition since 1964 #realhistorychannel

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