Bernie Sanders is now one of a shrinking number of presidential candidates who hasn’t pledged to tackle corruption in his first 100 days in office. I just finished walking 700 miles with our demand to get all the candidates in both parties to fix America's corruption crisis. Now I need your help to get Bernie on the record.
Buttegieg, Beto, Warren and others have pledged… and Bernie's campaign has always had anti-corruption in his platform, but we need to push them to make anti-corruption its first priority.
Tweet at the Bernie campaign right now to push them to respond.

When we set out from Atlanta, we demanded that all presidential candidates pledge to secure our elections, protect our right to vote, and end political corruption.
Just look at the impact we've already had:
- Senator Mitch McConnell reversed his position on election security, joining Republicans and Democrats in both houses of Congress and we secured more than $250 million in election security funding.
- Michael Bennet responded to our pledge request with a public statement of support for our walk and our demands.
- Pete Buttigieg, Beto O’Rourke and Tulsi Gabbard all recommitted to pushing sweeping pro-democracy measures in their first 100 days in office.
- Elizabeth Warren delivered a seminal anti-corruption address to a crowd of thousands in NYC just last week pledging to make democracy issue #1.
At the end of my walk, I was invited to speak at the Climate Strike in front of thousands on the Capitol steps. And thousands of you joined the walk on social media.
But our work is not done: Presidential candidates have already responded to my 700-mile walk demanding that they pledge to fight corruption first — now it's time for Bernie Sanders to go on the record. Will you please tweet this question to Bernie right now?
To get all the candidates to take the pledge, our entire movement needs to focus on each candidate one by one until we have all of them on the record. I’m starting with Bernie. Then we'll focus on Biden, Trump, Weld, & Harris, until we have all of the leading presidential candidates pledging to fight corruption — or going on the record that they won’t.
Help me reach this next milestone by tweeting at Sanders’ campaign today. With enough public pressure, we can win this.
My walk may be over, but our work is not done. Thank you for continuing to fight with me.
Renaldo Pearson RepresentUs
PS. If you don't have a Twitter account, you can send an email to Bernie's campaign using the contact form on their website, here.  |