Dear Friend,
This year we rose to new challenges.
COVID-19 kept us physically apart, yet brought us closer than ever by showing us the strength and power of community.
Almost overnight, we needed to adapt and reimagine the way that we live, the way we work, and the way we serve survivors and our community.
We needed to help keep each other safe and cultivate hope.
When we needed you, you were there with your support.
You lifted us up during these challenging times, and we thank you for being our partners.
You showed us that together, we are more.
Every day, in every way, we continue to go to any length for survivors and their families.
On behalf of everyone at Peace Over Violence, we thank you for your support this year.
No survivor left behind. Not this year, not ever.
That’s the promise we make this holiday season, and always.
Warmest wishes for a safe and healthy holiday season.
Together, we are more.
Patti Giggans
Executive Director and CEO