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I Saw Mommy Beheading Santa Claus: Another Precarious Christmas in the Age of Jihad
Another Christmas is upon us, and it’s the same old story: in Muslim lands, Christians are oppressed and in constant danger of violent jihad attacks. And in the lands once known as Christendom, jihadis threaten new jihad massacres.

And so it ...

Pro-Israel Christian Group Torches Radical Hater Warnock in New Ad
Thank you, CUFI. Raphael Warnock is a dangerous and radical anti-Semite, and he must not be elected to the United States Senate.

NEW ⁦AD⁩: Radical Raphael Warnock is no friend to Israel #cufiactionfund

— ...

French Police Arrest 4 More Muslims in Charlie Hebdo Islamic Terror Attack
Six years later? The French police only now believe the multiple stabbings at the French magazine office may have been organized.

They insisted it was a bunch of lone wolves. There are no lone wolves in the global jihad.

French police ...

Notorious Nazi Student Group – Students Justice Palestine- SJP FAILS in Legal Effort to Overturn Ban at Fordham University
Excellent. Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is an anti-Israel and anti-Semitic hate group. They have been terrorizing pro-Israel Jewish students on American college campuses for quite some time. The group should be banned from every college ...

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