Update from the Savannah Morning News: "Georgia Senate runoff could hinge on new teen voters."

Young voters made up 20% of Georgia’s electorate in November -- and they were CRITICAL in flipping the state blue for Joe Biden.

Now, the fate of the Senate rests in Georgia, and young people will play a major role in deciding if we can pass a bold, progressive agenda in the years to come.

So making sure they turn out in January MUST be a top priority, which is why we’re helping groups on the ground mobilize the youth vote:

Will you join us in this GOTV push? Donate to help Georgia groups on the ground mobilize young voters to WIN the Georgia runoffs and flip the Senate blue!

Both runoff races are within the margin of error, and everything from health care and the Supreme Court to climate change is on the line. That’s why we’re doing everything we can to help turn out key voters in Georgia to win these races.

The New York Times recently reported that "The Progressive Change Campaign Committee has already raised $386,000 for the two Democratic candidates." That is now over $500,000, and we need to keep up this momentum!

Will you donate to local groups in Georgia engaging young voters to make their voices heard and take back the Senate majority?

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Elections Team (@BoldProgressive)




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