My Fellow Orange County Republicans –
2020 was a year for the history books to say the least.
I first want to thank you - our supporters, voters and volunteers for everything you did for the Republican Party of Orange County this year. We are grateful for each of you and the victories you won for the conservative cause!
The start of 2021 welcomes Orange County's newest Congresswomen Young Kim and Michelle Steel. They join the most diverse freshmen class of Republican house members in history. In a year where Republicans were allegedly so unpopular that Democrats were salivating over the ideas of supermajorities, Republicans won back seats across the nation almost completely eliminating the Democrats' 2018 gains. This and redistricting after California loses a Congressional seat or two, leaves us in the strongest position possible to flip the last remaining Democrat-held Congressional seats in Orange County in 2022.
In Orange County we reelected Supervisor Andrew Do to retain our 4-1 Republican majority on the Orange County Board of Supervisors. Upon Supervisor Steel's swearing-in to Congress, a special election to serve the remainder of her term will be called. This means early 2021 will be an election year in Orange County just like 2019. Just like 2019 when we directed the Republican vote to Don Wagner, we will elect John Moorlach to the Board of Supervisors and save our majority with the same aggressive field and digital efforts we used to win in 2020 and past special elections.
The campaign to recall Gavin Newsom recently hit a milestone, collecting over half of the 1.5 million signatures required to get the recall on the ballot. We have only until March to collect the remaining signatures. We are working hand in hand with Rescue California, which has many of its leaders right here in Orange County to ensure we will deliver the final blow to Governor Newsom's failed administration. If successful, the recall will take place in a special election this coming year. We know what it takes for a successful recall campaign and we are ready.
It has been an honor to serve as the Republican Party of Orange County Chairman during six of the most challenging years in the history of our party. I am proud of our successes - from maintaining our local government majorities and making significant progress in flipping Congressional seats, to training and recruiting thousands of new volunteers on Campaign Sidekick and delivering a fully funded local party operation. We should never take for granted that we are one of the only year round, fully staffed county parties in the nation with a permanent headquarters. It takes extraordinary commitment to make this happen.
On January 18th when the new and reelected Central Committee members are sworn in, I will seek reelection for another two year term. I owe it to all of you to finish the job and win back the remaining seats – to the donors that personally gave at my request even though COVID restrictions prevented us from having our annual Flag Day event, and to the volunteers that trusted us to use virtual campaign tools instead coming into offices.
I am speaking with a number of the members of the new committee about joining the leadership team, all of whom were all outstanding volunteers in this last election cycle. I am confident the Republican Party of Orange County will be best served with a continuity of leadership coupled with fresh ideas and energy from some new members on the Executive Committee. It is my pledge to lead the party to even more victories in 2022.
The Orange County we know and love is under attack. A strong and capable local Republican Party is critical to preserving our home. I hope you'll join me in this fight.
I wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. 2020 was a tough year for our nation and all our families. I pray that 2021 is the happiest of New Years for you with blessings beyond measure. |

Hon. Fred M. Whitaker
Chairman, Republican Party of Orange County