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As 2020 comes to a close, CHBA BC would like to wish its members, partners and other industry professionals a safe and happy holiday season. As we reflect on the past year for the industry, we would like to provide the readers of CHBA BC's Provincial Update a look at the most accessed articles from the year. Our regular publication will resume Thursday, Jan. 7, 2021. |
20. Federal government offers $1 billion to build modular housing and buy hotels for homeless
Daily Hive
The federal government will allocate up to $1 billion towards a new Rapid Housing Initiative that will help fund the cost of creating temporary housing for the homeless across the country.
The program will cover the construction cost of modular structures, and the acquisition of land and existing low-end hotel properties. Funding that supports the cost of over 3,000 new units will be mostly committed to projects by March 2021.
The funding will be made available to provincial, territorial, and municipal governments, as well as non-profit organizations and Indigenous governing bodies.
You can read the full article here.
19. CleanBC: Rebate Search Tool
B.C. Government
Here is a great resource to search all incentive programs available for builders and consumers in one place — you can find the search tool here.
18. CHBA BC is a Canadian Event Industry Awards Finalist for 2020
The CHBA BC team submitted to the 2020 Canadian Event Industry Awards in February, and we have some good news to share. The 2019 Georgie Awards Gala is a national finalist in two categories: Best Event Produced by an In-House Team at a Venue or Corporation and Best Event Produced by an Association, Board or Committee. Laura Chok, Senior Director, Events and Education Programs at CHBA BC is also a national finalist in the Event Professional of the Year category!
16. Temporary COVID-19 layoffs to become permanent by law in B.C.
Tri-City News
Any day now, workers who were temporarily laid off due to a state of emergency that shut businesses down will be deemed, by law, to be permanently laid off, whether they or their employers like it or not. The B.C. government needs to amend the Employment Standards Act, and quickly, or it could put both employers and employees in an untenable position, says Ryan Anderson, a lawyer specializing in employment law at Matthews, Dinsdale and Clark LLP.
Commentary: A letter has been sent from the B.C. business community to Premier John Horgan and Labour Minister Harry Bains asking B.C. to follow other provinces and implement the needed extensions.
- 1st or 2nd mortgages
- Fully open terms
- Quick turn around on draws
15. Flow of money from builders for community amenities in Vancouver dries up
Globe and Mail
"The hundreds of millions in developer “contributions” that the City of Vancouver has relied on for years to pay for housing, parks, and child-care centers has dried to a trickle as builders refuse to agree to the same levels of fees in a collapsing real-estate market.
Builders say they have not been able to move projects forward because the city is still asking for the same kinds of contributions that were being negotiated at the height of the market."
You can read the full article here.
14. COVID-19 and returning to safe operation: Phase 2
WorkSafeBC has provided employers with information and resources to assist them in ensuring the risk of exposure to the virus that causes COVID-19 is minimized at their workplace.
Employers are required to develop a COVID-19 Safety Plan that outlines the policies, guidelines, and procedures they have put in place to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission. This plan follows a six step process. Employers must involve frontline workers, joint health and safety committees, and supervisors in identifying protocols for their workplace. You do not need a formal plan in place to begin operation, but are expected to develop it while protecting the safety of your workers.
Please review the six step process here.
13. Canada further extends and expands wage subsidy
Certain employers may now be able to receive the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy for an extended period of time. The government said it would extend the deadline until December 19, 2020, although it only provided details to November 21, 2020.
The government also proposed other new changes to the wage subsidy on July 17, 2020, including new measures to expand the eligibility to employers who do not meet the previous 30% revenue threshold and to replace the subsidy with a new two-part subsidy consisting of a “base” and “top-up” amount. Under the new rules, the amount of the wage subsidy an eligible employer could qualify for would vary depending on their revenue decline, with a maximum combined subsidy of up to 85% of eligible remuneration.
These proposals are based on feedback received from a recent public consultation on the subsidy and are generally intended to apply beginning with the current July reporting period.
Read the full report here.
11. Are you in compliance with BC Hydro?
BC Hydro
Where you do place your underground service ducts? Do you leave your service ducts exposed on the exterior wall, do you build out around them, or do you run them within the wall? If your underground service ducts are not exposed, check BC Hydro’s Information Bulletin 2020-16 to see if you are in compliance.
Six-month Interim Period for Compliance
In recognition that there may be a number of home builders and electricians that may not have received BC Hydro’s earlier communication regarding its service duct requirements, BC Hydro will be accepting two (2) non-standard installation methods for an interim period of 6 months, until November 1, 2020. See Information Bulletin Table 2, Options 5 and 6 on page 3.
CHBA BC invited BC Hydro to participate in our Technical Research Committee to develop acceptable options for service duct and meter base installations in compliance with all applicable regulations. See Information Bulletin Table 1 on page 3 for the current list of acceptable installation options.
You can read the information bulletin here.

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