Eight years ago this month our country changed forever when a gunman entered Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut and opened fire. From the beginning, we have sought to honor the victims of Sandy Hook and all victims of gun violence with action.

2021 Policy Agenda
Next year, we hope to close lethal loopholes, keep deadly accessories out of dangerous hands, prevent intimidation by firearm, and address much-needed reform in policing.
See the full agenda.

OpEd for Youth Today
Our CEO, Renee Hopkins, urges everyone to talk about the risks of gun suicide and practice safe firearm storage to address the growing crisis of youth firearm suicide.
Read her piece.

Special Event
Last week, we held a special event featuring Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan. She shared how commonsense limits on the open carry of firearms can prevent tense situations from turning violent and ensure that the Second Amendment doesn’t interfere with the First.
Happy Holidays
The whole Alliance team wishes you a safe and happy holiday season! We look forward to the New Year and, with it, opportunities for meaningful action on gun violence prevention! --Renee, Chelsey, Maureen, Dylan, Kristen, Sean, Nelago, Jordan, Sam, Steph, and Hazel
P.O. Box 4187
Seattle, WA 98194
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