
Season's Greetings 2020

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Dear friends,

We can all agree that more than any other year we find ourselves looking forward to the next one. It's been a unique year in many aspects but also a very busy one for the European Greens Family. The team is slowing down its activities and is recharging its batteries during this holiday season, to come back more energised than ever to fight with you all for a Green future. 

We want to take this opportunity to wish you all the happiest of holidays, hoping that you can meet and reconnect safely with your family and loved ones. 

2020 was the most challenging year we've ever experienced as individuals, as a party and as a society. But we are looking to 2021 with hope. 

Hope that we will collectively overcome the pandemic thanks to responsible decisions and an effective vaccine. 

Hope that the fight against climate change will reach a new level following unprecedented commitments from the European Union. 

Hope that the Greens all across Europe will continue demonstrating their ability to govern with care, bringing solutions that work for all citizens, leading to new successes for Green policies. 

We are looking forward to seeing you standing next to us as we fight for a more equal, democratic, fair and Green Europe. Join the fight to make these hopes a reality!

All the very best,

The committee: Evelyne, Thomas, Mar, Jean, Mélanie, Michal, Ora, Ute, Vula. 

The team: Armin, Angela, Anamaria, Ann, Anna, Benedetta, Biljana, Céline, Filipe, Fernando, Florian, Greg, Iris, Joan-Carles, Joline, Júlia, Kaća, Lea, Leigh, Nele, Petra, Rachel, Rheanna, Stevan, Teo, Valentin, Vesna. 


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European Greens © 2020

Funded by the European Parliament. Sole liability remains with the author.

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