In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news
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Our media round-up will be back in January. We wish all our readers a happy, healthy and restful Christmas period.
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The health secretary has said that churches in Tier 4 areas will stay open, and disclosed that he has given a personal assurance to the archbishop of
A multi-denominational secondary school discriminated against a Catholic school girl on religious grounds by favouring for admission Church of Ireland
students from a local primary school.
Joe Biden's election as US president raises hopes for funding of reproductive health groups – but some caution that reversing the impact of a rule introduced
by the Trump administration will not be quick.
Nuns running a children's home in Germany prostituted boys in their care to priests, local politicians and businessmen in the 1960s and 1970s, according to a
victim who has won a court fight for compensation.
The Times*
From the NSS: seasonal message and end-of-year podcast
Opponents often erect a straw man of secularism to justify demands for religious privilege. But freedom of religion must come with freedom from religion,
says Stephen Evans.
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