Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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China Uses Zoom To Spy on Americans, Zoom Shared US User Data With Beijing to Ensure Chinese Market Access
All these tech conglomerates use the “it was just a mistake” or “it was human error” excuse. Even if it were true, a mistake that exposes people to the U.S.’s enemies should be subject to prosecution. Does the U.S. have any laws to punish ...

Arizona Senators Sue to Enforce Subpoenas for Election Equipment and Records
Guilty. Why else would anyone go to such extraordinary lengths to hide the evidence?

Arizona Senators Sue to Enforce Subpoenas for Election Equipment and Records

The president of the Arizona Senate and the chairman of the state senate’s ...

President Trump Vetoes Defense Spending Bill, “It Is A Gift to China and Russia”
President Trump vetoed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 Wednesday, calling it a “gift” to U.S. adversaries China and Russia, making good on a promise to veto it if it did not repeal a law that shields certain Big Tech ...

Some Republican Senators Are on Board With Electoral College Challenge
We the people are watching. We will primary the traitors and Democrats in RINO clothing,

We the people are watching.  As for Senate Majority Leader McConnell,  we will drag him over the finish line like a beached whale.

Some Republican ...

TERROR IN ISRAEL: Jewish Mother-Of-Six Has Skull Crushed by Jihad Terrorist
Mother of six was found dead with signs of violence on her body in the Shaked forest in northern Samaria overnight Sunday.

The woman's family reported to police that she was missing. Magen David Adom paramedics pronounced her dead at the scene. ...

‘Disgraceful Slur’: Democrat Slammed for Attacking Trump Holocaust Memorial Council Appointee
Richard Grenell has been a singular fighter against antisemitism.  The preeminent Jewish organization against antisemitism, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, said this of Grenell:

No #US Ambassador posted to #Berlin in recent history has done more ...

RINO Senator Says Trump’s Last Hope to Challenge Election Will ‘Go Down Like a Shot Dog’
Every RINO Republican must be primaried in 2022 and 2024. The Republican Party is not sustainable without Team Trump.

If anyone looks like a shot dog, it's Thune. Screw him and every other quisling who betrays us.

Republicans in the Senate ...

TRUMP PEACE: Moroccan FM: Diplomatic missions will open in Tel Aviv, Rabat in two weeks
More incredible work from President Trump. 'Earlier on Tuesday, the first Israel-Morocco direct commercial flight landed in Rabat to mark the latest historic US-brokered diplomatic breakthrough between Israel and an Arab country.' #BDSFail! ...

New York SINKS, Again, Leads Nation in Population Decline, Could Now Lose Two House Seats
We owe it all to Killer Cuomo and his Nazi sidekick Warren Wilhelm (De Blasio's real name).

The upside? NY's treacherous Democrat criminals lose political power.

New York, again, leads nation in population decline. And it could now lose two ...

Islamic State Holiday Season Song: ‘Coldly Kill [Unbelievers] With Hate And Rage’; ‘Plan Your Perfect Killing Spree’; ‘#MerryChristmas’
Biden's defense pick allegedly sought intel painting 'rosier picture' of ISIS threat.

Democrats are the enemy of the state party.

ISIS Nasheed For Holiday Season: 'Coldly Kill [Unbelievers] With Hate And Rage'; 'Plan Your Perfect Killing ...

Video Leaks of U.S. Senate Candidate Warnock’s Encounter With Police After BEATING HIS WIFE
Warnock's wife says she's been trying to hide his behavior “for a long time” in police bodycam video …

Democrat media cabal is scrubbing after this vile lowlife like they scrubbed the Biden crime family's treasonous Chicom and Ukraine ...

President Trump Addresses The Nation On National Emergency of Election Fraud
Watch and share, share, share everywhere.

“We won by a landslide.”

“There's never been anything like it.”

President Trump Gives Update on Fight Against Democrat Voter Fraud in Statement From White House (VIDEO)

By Cristina ...

Rudy Giuliani Bombshell: Arizona Lawmakers will Likely Vote Wednesday to Certify President Trump as Winner
We are so ready.

FLASH: Rudy Giuliani Says Arizona Lawmakers Will Attempt to Certify Trump as Winner

By The Wiz on December 22, 2020:

President Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, joined Steve Bannon’s “War Room: Pandemic” podcast ...

WATCH LIVE: Georgia House Committee Hold Another Election Fraud Hearing
Georgia House Committee Holds Another Hearing on Election Integrity

President Trump Shreds Coronavirus Stimulus Bill, Demands Congress Give Significantly Larger Checks
The peoples POTUS. Watch the ENTIRE statement.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 23, 2020

BREAKING: Trump Shreds Coronavirus Stimulus Bill, Demands Congress Give Significantly Larger Checks ...


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