
It hasn’t been an easy year. People across New Mexico are still struggling to pay rent and put food on the table, and Martin has been in Washington doing everything he can to get workers, families, and small businesses the relief they need.

But while the federal government has been slow to take action, community organizations have jumped in to fill the gaps and provide emergency resources. Today we want to spotlight three local organizations that are making a difference for New Mexicans every day:

  • Roadrunner Food Bank is the largest food bank in New Mexico and distributes more than 28 million meals each year. Need for their services has increased sharply during the pandemic, and they need our help to keep up with demand. A $1 donation can help distribute up to five meals.

  • Community Against Violence hosts a 24-hour crisis hotline for survivors of domestic and sexual violence, runs an emergency shelter for those who require immediate assistance, and provides legal advocacy, counseling, and long-term support.

  • Community Action Agency of Southern New Mexico serves and empowers low-income communities in four key ways: community connections, family empowerment, family wellness, and bridging resources. Throughout the pandemic, CAASNM has been focused on helping individuals and families access emergency resources.

These organizations are working hard to ensure struggling New Mexicans have the resources they need this holiday season. If you’re able, will you join us in making a donation to any — or all — of these community organizations right now?

Donate to Roadrunner
Food Bank
Donate to Community
Against Violence
Donate to Community Action Agency of Southern NM

Despite it all, there’s so much to be thankful for this holiday season. We’re especially thankful to our communities for taking care of one another through difficult times, and to you for being a part of ours.

Happy holidays,

— Team Heinrich




PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125
