We’ll have a real shot to pass additional pandemic relief, expand access to health care, take bold action on climate change, protect voting rights, and do so much more that will help our country heal and re-emerge from this crisis as a stronger nation.

Team, if we win the Georgia runoffs in two weeks and take back the Senate, the possibilities begin to expand.

If Mitch McConnell is no longer Senate Majority Leader, we’ll have a real shot to pass additional pandemic relief, expand access to health care, take bold action on climate change, protect voting rights, and do so much more that will help our country heal and re-emerge from this crisis as a stronger nation.

I know I’ve asked before, but early voting in Georgia is already underway. If it wasn’t so important, I wouldn’t be asking again. Please consider making a split donation today to help us win these key races in Georgia.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed automatically and split between the Georgia Senate Victory Fund and Cory Booker:

I’m sure you’ve heard many people say before that this year’s presidential election was the “most important election of our lifetimes.” It was true then, and it’s still true now. We may have succeeded in our ultimate goal of defeating Donald Trump, but the 2020 election cycle hasn’t ended yet.

If we want to truly build back better, we need to make sure President-elect Biden has a Senate that he can work with—instead of more obstruction led by Mitch McConnell.

We must win these runoffs in Georgia, please chip in if you can.

Our nation is counting on us.

— Cory