You can use the following sample letter that was submitted by Christina Bottieri of the TN Star (outstanding source for truth!)
Dear _________________________:
January 6 is coming soon. If the election is still unsettled, you will be called on to settle it using the Constitution and U.S. Law. The law is particularly confusing, so our lawyer, Mario Apuzzo, has drawn up a map that should make it easier for you to follow the Constitution and the law, should you have to do so.
Here is a link to Mario's letter as well as his Amicus Curiae brief recently submitted to the D.C. District Court in the case of Laity v. Harris which is also related to the election.
When the Founders realized they were merely second-class British citizens,
they threw off all allegiance to Britain and adopted an entirely new way of
governing. Instead of a monarchy, they created a republic based on the
laws of nature and of nature's God. Thus to understand the Constitution,
we must consider its meaning in light of the natural law.